Have just found your blog and I love it. My boyfriend and I have both discovered this year that we LURVE anal - giving and receiving. I have a strap-on which he enjoys very much, and I'm getting more and more into receiving anal, especially while I stimulate my clit. We also both quite enjoy oral anal stimulation. Thus far we've been preparing for this by having a thorough shower, but I'm wondering if a douche might be necessary? And if so, how exactly? I'm afraid I've never douched in my life. Also, can douching be good for a "shag on the rag"?First – I applaud you and your experimentation, and willingness to please each other. You guys rock!
Now … I’m wondering why, if you’ve been enjoying anal play for months, suddenly the idea of douching seems so important? Showering beforehand seems to have done you well so far. Unless there’s a part of the story you haven’t shared …
Really, though, there is no need for anything beyond proper normal hygiene. Showering, and cleansing with soap, including a sudsy finger in the ass, should be enough. Contrary to what you might believe, there isn’t a lot of crap just hanging around inside your anus (unless you’re currently feeling the urge to “go” that is), so in general there isn’t enough bacteria that you’d get sick from rimming, or even a spirited anal tongue-fucking. If you are indeed worried, and want to douche, it seems pretty safe. Just use warm water. And follow the directions.
Now wait. Some people might stop here and say: “douche? don’t you mean do an enema?”
And no. Anal douching is different than an enema. You use something that looks basically like a turkey baster, but with a bigger ball and a thinner tube,
like this. The water isn’t going to stay inside you the way it does with an enema. It’s more like quick rinsing.
Regarding enemas (you didn’t ask, but I’m going to address them). I don’t do them. I don’t think they are necessary for my enjoyment of anal sex. I figure, part of the reason I like being fucked in the ass, is because I’ve eroticized it as something “dirty”, and it is my ass, and we don’t shit roses. I’ve never had an extremely messy situation. There has been some santorum sure, but … like I said, it’s my ass. I sort of think it comes with the territory. Also, in general, I don’t have notice that I’m going to be assfucked. With my last long term male partner, I knew it was always a possibility, so I just took care to be as hygienic as possible, short of enema/douching. We just kept towels handy. And there’s no reason you can’t continue in the shower if you need to.
For some people, the possibility of a “mess” makes anal sex undesirable, and so for them, douching or an enema is a necessary component. If you know ahead of time that you are going to be engaging in ass-play, and the douching, or enema adds to the enjoyment for you, then go for it. But like anything, frequent enemas are not medically sound. There is a great discussion/debate at
NOTE: Enemas & anal douching do not prevent the spread of STDs and may in fact increase the risk so take precautions when engaging in anal play after an enema: condoms for penetration, gloves for hand play, dental dams like you'd use for safer oral-vaginal sex for rimming and analingus.
As I've said before: I always advocate a latex (or viable non-latex alternative) barrier for anal play, even if you're not worried about your partner's STD status, because while there may not be enough bacteria to make you sick to your stomach, there is enough to upset the delicate Ph balance of areas like the pussy ... and that's something we want to avoid.
As for vaginal douching being good for a “shag on the rag”.
Oh honey …. Hellllll no!
Repeat after me:
Vaginal Douching is bad, mmmkay.
The pussy is a delicate hothouse flower.
It’s silly, but true. It thrives in a particular way. There is a normal balance of bacteria, but they cancel each other out. Douching disrupts that balance and messes with your body’s natural cleaning mechanisms, which actually promotes infection, not decreases it. It is natural for you to notice a stronger aroma at certain times of the month, but that doesn’t mean you are unclean. The idea that you are dirty when bleeding, is just a left-over from the days when women were separated from the rest of the tribe during that part of their cycle. I, however, am of the “yay for bloody fucks!” school of thought. For me, that comes in the context of a fluid-bonded, long term relationship. I discuss this at length
hereIf you are healthy, and hygienic, you will still have times each month when you notice a different odor, and that is a natural part of your menstrual cycle. Unless the odor is truly offensive and you have other symptoms, like unusually textured or colored discharge, or pain/itching, there is nothing wrong with you and douching is only going to leave you more open to infection. Those are symptoms of some kind of infection (not necessarily an STD) and you should see a doctor for diagnosis. Douching will simply mask, and exacerbate, your symptoms.
Note to ANYONE considering douching, or requiring it of your partner: Please read the discussion of medical risks in this article: Douching: Perceived Benefits but Real Hazards by W. Steven Pray & Joshua J. Prey.
The Great Enema Debate: Enemas and Anal SexDouching Linked to Vaginal Infections: Largest Study to Date Confirms RisksAnalingus: The Curious Lovers' Guide to Oral-Anal Contact